Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong Tennis Romance

Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong have taken their tour de love to the tennis court.

The couple were spotted cosying up between volleys during a doubles match in Brentwood, Los Angeles yesterday.

The actress took her eye off the ball long enough to wrap her arms around the seven-time Tour de France champion and shower him with kisses.

After the game, they slipped off for a romantic meal together in Laguna Beach.

Kate Hudson & Lance Armstrong playing tennis & kissing

Celebrity Pictures source: AllCelebPics

Pamela Anderson Does Radar

Radar hits the road with Pamela Anderson, reality TV’s newest diva.

Pam: [Shocked at the very suggestion.] No! I’m not doing any more. This is the longest interview I’ve ever had. No! No! No! No! But I like that it’s a little rough. I like it rough. It’s not a smooth hippy-dippy interview. It’s got challenge. You know?
Radar: [Brightly.] It was going pretty well about three miles ago!
Pam: I know. I can relax when we’re all talking about something interesting. [Beat.] I really can’t wait to do the pictures. That’s what I’m excited about. Terry Richardson is someone I’ve always wanted to work with. He’s wanted to work with me, too. [Eyeing me.] And nobody can be at the shoot.
Radar: [Spiraling back into hurt.] I’m not coming.
Pam: Okay, good. I thought you were going to come.
Radar: [Broadly, masking the wounds.] You’ll never see me again.
Pam: [Conciliatory.] No, I don’t want that. It’s just that at photo shoots, I can only do one thing at a time.
Radar: [Desperately, irrationally.] Do you want some candy? I have some candy in my bag.

Pamela Anderson – Radar Magazine
Pamela Anderson - Radar Magazine Pictures Pamela Anderson - Radar Magazine Pictures Pamela Anderson - Radar Magazine Pictures Pamela Anderson - Radar Magazine Pictures
Pamela Anderson - Radar Magazine Pictures Pamela Anderson - Radar Magazine Pictures


Você quer transformar o seu blog em um site bacana, profissional?

Você quer transformar o seu blog em um site bacana, profissional? Quer ganhar dinheiro de verdade na internet mas hospeda o seu site “di grátis” no Blogger? Blogspot? Kit.Net? Que nojeira… Desse jeito ninguém vai te levar a sério, amigão… Hospede seu site no HostMonster

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Katherine Heigl Hits The beach

Katherine Heigl is taking some time out from her schedule to relax on the snow-white beach at Cancun.

Katherine has everything she needs to refuel – sun couch, sun hat, sun glasses and two cocktail glasses. The second is for hubby Josh Walker, a singer and songwriter, and for Katherine, who wed in December, being married remains blissful: “With the marriage came this feeling of peace and security for me.”

That can be seen in her already. Love life is good, career is good.She was nominated again for the ‘outstanding supporting actress’ Emmy for her role in ‘Grey’s Anatomy’, an award she won last year, but this time declined to be short-listed. She sparked a furious row with the show’s writers by saying: “I do not feel I was given the material this season to warrant a nomination.”

Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures
Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures Katherine Heigl Green bikini pictures


Jessica Alba First Postpartum Pics

Jessica Alba went outside to go shopping for the first time since she gave birth to baby Honor Marie Warren

Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping
Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping Jessica Alba In Her First Post Partum Pics Out Shopping