Madonna talking to journalists in Berlin

Madonna Tribe News – Madonna talking to journalists in Berlin

Jessica Alba Baby Bump Watch

Jessica Alba boobs are growing….growing…and growing…

Jessica Alba was spotted At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood and her baby bump this time was totally apparent!
Mom-to-be Jess was wearing a sweat suit, cap and flip-flops.

Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood
Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood

Jessica Alba Baby Bump Watch

Jessica Alba boobs are growing….growing…and growing…

Jessica Alba was spotted At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood and her baby bump this time was totally apparent!
Mom-to-be Jess was wearing a sweat suit, cap and flip-flops.

Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood
Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood Jessica Alba Looking At Vintage Furniture in Hollywood

Michelle Williams in Wonderland Magazine

Michelle Williams graces the March cover of Wonderland Magazine. She did the shoot prior to the death of her former fiancé Heath Ledger. In the issue she talks about motherhood, her friendship with TomKat, and her insecurities. Here are some highlights from the interview…

On balancing motherhood with work:
“It’s not easy. Last April I was over in London doing a movie called Incendiary with Ewan McGregor. It’s about a woman grieving after losing her husband and son in a terrorist attack. It was a brutal role and arduous: six-day weeks, 14 hour-days. I was like the walking dead towards the end. Matilda would visit me everyday on-set for lunch and I’d race home to put her to bed. My only days off were Sundays and as much as I’d want to pass out, I’d try to take her out somewhere fun so she didn’t associate me with boredom. The only time that is really my own these days is after I’ve put her to bed and until I go to bed. That’s about two hours.”

On whether she attended Katie Holmes’ wedding:
“Everybody wants to know that. No, I didn’t go because I was working on The Tourist. To be honest, we’re not really in touch.”

On whether she would describe herself as vain:
“I have insecurity masquerading as vanity. I don’t think I’m vain as an actress but I’m probably more so as a person. Again, it goes back to that thing about when I’m working is the only time when I don’t judge myself. I feel totally open to exploring all the sides of my physical self in my work. While I’m working I really don’t give a fuck how I look. Afterwards, if I have to watch it, I might have some problems.”

On whether becoming a mom has changed her:
“I feel like I didn’t have any relationship with my body before Matilda. Well I did, but it was just a bad one. After having my daughter I can’t judge myself in the same way. My body has done this totally miraculous but utterly ordinary thing. The downside is that my vocabulary has shrunk to the size of a pea. Since having a kid I just don’t have the same access to the world. I don’t see as many shows, I don’t go to many movies and I hardly read any books anymore. I’m lucky to make it through a book a month. So you start to develop in a much more non-verbal way, which can be so frustrating. Also there’s been a lot going on in my personal life and part of me is… I don’t know. I shouldn’t talk about it but it’s like I’m re-emerging back into the world or something.”

Michelle Williams in Wonderland Magazine
Michelle Williams in Wonderland Magazine Pictures Michelle Williams in Wonderland Magazine Pictures Michelle Williams in Wonderland Magazine Pictures Michelle Williams in Wonderland Magazine Pictures
Michelle Williams in Wonderland Magazine Pictures Michelle Williams in Wonderland Magazine Pictures


Christina Milian Leggy Leaving Villa Nightclub

Christina Milian was spotted by the paps leaving Villa nightclub in Los Angeles, CA.
Hmm…she has nice leggs

Christina Milian Leggy Leaving Villa Nightclub pictures Christina Milian Leggy Leaving Villa Nightclub pictures Christina Milian Leggy Leaving Villa Nightclub pictures Christina Milian Leggy Leaving Villa Nightclub pictures
Christina Milian Leggy Leaving Villa Nightclub pictures Christina Milian Leggy Leaving Villa Nightclub pictures Christina Milian Leggy Leaving Villa Nightclub pictures

Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline – Amazing Skins

What a sexy cleavage…

Sarah Michelle Gellar is baring it all for charity.

Central Florida On Demand’s John Handiboe chatted one-on-one with the Emmy Award winner about taking it off for a good cause

John: “Sarah, you are taking it all off for a good cause and it’s all to promote protecting your skin, which is big deal in here in the Sunshine State.”

Sarah: “Absolutely. I think it is in the forefront there, but where I am, in New York, I think people forget because people think that if it is raining and snowing that you don’t have to protect your skin. I mean, my goodness, it is our biggest organ — it is our outlet to the world.”

John: “Was that difficult for you to pose naked? Have you done that before?”

Sarah: “No, it was the first time I had done that and it was funny, it was surprisingly easy. I think when you know the cause and you know what it’s for, and how much good it’s going to do, it sort of outweighs whatever awkward feelings you might be having.”

John: “You are joining with a couple of other celebrities on this charity project. The pictures are going to be in Vogue and Glamour, but people can bid on them as well.”

Sarah: “Yes, you can bid on them and all of the proceeds go to charity. It goes to the Coalition of Skin Diseases, which promote awareness. It educates. It promotes the funding for research and you can bid online at

John: “When you are not working on the charities, you work on some movies here and there. You have four upcoming projects.”

Sarah: “It has been a busy time. The next one I have coming out (“Possession”) is with Lee Pace, who stars in ‘Pushing Daisies,’ and I think he is so talented and it’s such an incredible show. We are very excited about it.”

John: “Now, also, you have a film with Andy Garcia – “The Air I Breathe,” and I believe there were some intense moments on set with Andy.”

Sarah: “No, he is one of most incredible actors if you can have the chance to work with. Let me tell you, if you have Andy in front of you, waving a gun, that’s a scary experience. It is so funny, let me tell you, I only know him as family man, a dad, and you see him walk on set and he just completely transforms into this other character.”

Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline
Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures
Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures
Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures Sarah Michelle Gellar Cleavy At Vaseline Pictures


Madonna has done herself proud says The Times

Madonna Tribe News – Madonna has done herself proud says The Times

Madonna – Live from Berlin

Madonna Tribe News – Live from Berlin

madonna en berl�n

foto del d�a > madonna en berl�n � hantarticolandia