Penelope Cruz’s New Film

Spanish actress Penelope Cruz has teamed up with Ben Kingsley in a new movie titled ‘Elergy’, which premiered at the Berlin Film Festival over the weekend.

The romantic tale follows a charismatic and selfish professor who loses his composure when he falls in love with a student half his age.

The film deals with universal themes of love, death and illness and portrays beauty as a burden as well as a blessing.

33 year old Cruz was questioned over her role and asked if she had to work harder as an actress after speculation she was cast due to her looks.

‘I don’t think about my career in those terms, I have been looking at that from the beginning since I was seventeen years old, and I have been very lucky, very privileged and very grateful for all the great roles that they have given me from the beginning, some better than others.’

The movie is directed by Spain’s Isabel Coixet and is set for release later this year.

Penelope Cruz on the red carpet @ “Elegy” Premiere in Berlin, Germany
Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures Penelope Cruz on the red carpet At 'Elegy' Premiere in Berlin Pictures

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