Nicole Kidman Showing Her Bra On Vanity Fair Mag Cover

Nicole Kidman is featured on the October 2007 cover of Vanity Fair, on stands in New York and Los Angeles Wednesday and nationwide Sept. 11, and the October cover of Ladies’ Home Journal, on stands Sept. 11. The former Mrs. Tom Cruise is rumored to be battling Mrs. Cruise of the Hour, Katie Holmes, for the role of December 2007 Vogue Magazine covergirl.

On Urban’s rehab stint.

•Vanity Fair. “I’ve learned an enormous amount having a relationship with someone who is in recovery. I’m more than willing to walk it with him. … We were in a very, very, very bad, painful place and have managed to step through it, and I hope that gives some people some hope who may be in the same place. And that’s enough said. Anything else is overindulgent and unnecessary right now.”

•Ladies’ Home Journal. “That’s all so raw still. He’s talked about his recovery, but for me, it’s still just, I don’t know. If I say something, before you know it it’s a headline on some tabloid and it just sounds so trite and it’s not.”

On handling a long-distance relationship.

•VF. “Two weeks is still too long for us (to be apart). We like one week. We start to hurt after seven days.”

•LHJ. “We both fly to each other and are never apart for more than two weeks, and even that’s too long. We’re usually apart for only one week at a time. We’re totally committed to that. … I’ve never wanted to live my life apart from the person I love. So that’s what we do.”

On having kids with Urban.

•VF. “I’m yearning to have one. I think I would be very sad if I wasn’t able to have a baby. Keith knows I want one, and he has been getting there slowly.”

•LHJ. “My husband really wants a couple of years, he said, ‘where I just have you.’ So it’s kind of romantic. He’s like, ‘I just love the two of us.’ It’s really honest. So as a woman I sort of hear that loud and clear and go, ‘OK, I get that.’ So that’s kind of what we decided.”

On her children with ex Tom Cruise: Isabella, 14, and Connor, 12.

•VF. “I called Tom (from Australia) and said, ‘Guess what? Bella wants blue hair.’ I go with my daughter to the hair salon to get it dyed blue, and I look at her and I think, My God, it’s cool!”

•LHJ. “My son just flew to Australia and worked on this new film (Baz Luhrmann’s Australia). He loved it. There are a lot of horses, and he worked with them and the wranglers. He got a paycheck —his first paycheck— from his mother.”

On her personality traits.

•VF. “I get engaged and I get married — that’s my thing,” Kidman says after revealing that she was engaged to a man she declined to identify after her split from Cruise and before she hooked up with Urban. “I wasn’t ready. We weren’t ready.”

•LHJ. “I’ve raised an extended family in all its shapes and forms. It’s very, very hard to do alone, so it’s wonderful to be able to call on grandparents and sisters and the ex-husband and all of the ways in which we now co-exist. And if you can maintain a balance through that, I think that’s really special.”

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