Rosario Dawson and Asia Argento Acts Of Lesbian Foreplay

Rosario Dawson and Asia Argento pretty much sums it up. Yes there’s acts of lesbian foreplay going on in every corner of these affairs.
Is Rosario Dawson drunk?

Source says that Rosario Dawson is worried people will think she’s an alcoholic.

The ‘Sin City’ star loves to drink at parties, but is concerned people may get the wrong impression about her.

Rosario said: “I do like to party, I can’t pretend I don’t.

“I do like a drink on occasions. I’m not much of a liquor person, I’ll just drink beer or wine all day, but I don’t want people to think I’m an alcoholic.

“I learned to knock it back professionally when I was shooting ‘Alexander’. Those guys can drink!”

‘Alexander’ also starred Hollywood hellraiser Colin Farrell, Val Kilmer, Christopher Plummer, Angelina Jolie and reformed alcoholic Sir Anthony Hopkins

Rosario also revealed her Sunday ritual consists of going to an exercise class, then drinking beer all day at her favourite bar with friends and applauding as the sun goes down.

She said: “That’s how I celebrate Sunday.”

These pictures from a private party for the Diesel clothing line over in Florence, Italy.
Pictures source: Hollywood Tuna

Paris Hilton Is FREE Now

Only Paris Hilton could walk out of jail looking this good!

Paris Hilton left jail Tuesday after a bizarre, three-week stay in which the hotel heiress was briefly released to her Hollywood Hills home, then sent screaming and crying back to a county lockup.

The 26-year-old celebutante walked out of the all-women’s jail in Lynwood to an enormous horde of cameras and reporters after midnight. She had checked into the jail, largely avoiding the spotlight, late June 3 after a surprise appearance at the MTV Movie Awards.

Hilton smiled as she left the jail, her blond hair pulled back in a braided ponytail. Her parents, Kathy and Rick, met her in a black SUV as cameras snapped pictures and Hilton, wearing a sage jacket with white trim over a white shirt and skinny jeans, did not respond to reporters’ questions.

She didn’t say anything, and it wasn’t immediately clear where she was going.

“She fulfilled her debt. She was obviously in good spirits. She thanked people as she left,” said sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore.

Hilton will complete her probation in March 2009 as long as she keeps her driver’s license current and doesn’t break any laws. She can reduce that time by 12 months if she does community service that could include a public-service announcement, the city attorney’s office has said.

Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail
Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail pictures Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail pictures Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail pictures Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail pictures Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail pictures Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail pictures Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail pictures Paris Hilton Releases From L.A Jail pictures
Pictures sources: Celebrity Dirty Laundry and Celebrity Mound

Okay Paris, i can’t wait to see your wild party? Are you ready?

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Michelle Trachtenberg – Glenn Campbell

Glenn Campbell Photoshoot