Pamela Anderson Plans To Open A Strip Club

The former ‘Baywatch’ actress, whose great-grandfather was Finnish, has been touring Finland with her father and plans to pay tribute to her heritage with a new business venture.

She wrote on her official website: “Our heritage is here. We are both excited. We will be taking lots of saunas. Save my liver.

“Also I thought of a great way to celebrate my Finnish heritage at home. I’m going to look into opening a chain of strip clubs and I’ll call them Lapland!”

Pammie, who is an ardent animal rights campaigner, has written to Finnish President Tarja Halonen and begged her to ban fur farms.

She said: “It’s time for Finland to move into the 21st century and follow suit.

“There are hundreds of fur farms here. The demand is getting lower for fur coats and they breed foxes here just for fur. Awful. Sweden, Austria and England have banned fur farms. Let’s hope Finland will too. Other than that I’m very proud of my Finnish heritage. It is the most beautiful countryside.”

The president confirmed she had received the letter, but declined to comment.

Pamela Anderson and some illusionist named Hans Klock promoting their Vegas show “The Beauty of Magic” on the Today Show.
Pamela Anderson pictures
Pictures source: Hollywood Tuna

Pamela Anderson Plans To Open A Strip Club

The former ‘Baywatch’ actress, whose great-grandfather was Finnish, has been touring Finland with her father and plans to pay tribute to her heritage with a new business venture.

She wrote on her official website: “Our heritage is here. We are both excited. We will be taking lots of saunas. Save my liver.

“Also I thought of a great way to celebrate my Finnish heritage at home. I’m going to look into opening a chain of strip clubs and I’ll call them Lapland!”

Pammie, who is an ardent animal rights campaigner, has written to Finnish President Tarja Halonen and begged her to ban fur farms.

She said: “It’s time for Finland to move into the 21st century and follow suit.

“There are hundreds of fur farms here. The demand is getting lower for fur coats and they breed foxes here just for fur. Awful. Sweden, Austria and England have banned fur farms. Let’s hope Finland will too. Other than that I’m very proud of my Finnish heritage. It is the most beautiful countryside.”

The president confirmed she had received the letter, but declined to comment.

Pamela Anderson and some illusionist named Hans Klock promoting their Vegas show “The Beauty of Magic” on the Today Show.
Pamela Anderson pictures
Pictures source: Hollywood Tuna

Tara Reid Finally Getting Some Action!

Tara Reid is finally getting some action! Tara Reid made out with a dude outside Club Hyde the other night, and she was seen smooching some guy outside Hyde the other night.

Tara Reid
Tara Reid pictures Tara Reid pictures Tara Reid pictures
Pictures source: DListed

Kelly Clarkson – My December

Kelly Clarkson has made enough of a career for herself – her last album sold 11m worldwide – that she no longer needs the prefix “American Idol winner”. This has given her the authority to dictate the shape of her third album, and she has opted for rock. That’s not rock as in “ROCK”, obviously, but the wipe-clean kind that begs your pardon for making noise.
Paradoxically, Clarkson has been hailing the “intimacy” of the self-composed songs, which were written during an introspective period that followed her winning no fewer than 21 music awards in 2005/06. She writes in bland generalities, though, rarely equalling the directness of the opening Never Again (“I hope the ring you gave her turns her finger green/I hope when you’re in bed with her you think of me”), and uses her opulent voice as a battering ram. The spooky ballroom-waltz of Irvine just about saves things, and hints at what could have been. [Source]

Kelly Clarkson ‘My December’ Album Booklet
Kelly Clarkson 'My December' Album Booklet Pictures Kelly Clarkson 'My December' Album Booklet Pictures Kelly Clarkson 'My December' Album Booklet Pictures Kelly Clarkson 'My December' Album Booklet Pictures Kelly Clarkson 'My December' Album Booklet Pictures
Pictures Source: JJB

Christina Ricci Looks Hot In Esquire

Christina Ricci is hot.
I love the first pic.

Carrie Underwood

Forever Photoshoot

Brittany Murphy

Isabel Snyder Photoshoot

Torkil Gudnason Photoshoot