Jessica Biel Half Naked Makes for Great Comedy

Jessica Biel getting half naked, and having her breasts groped!?

That’s right, Jessica Biel plays the super-hot love interest for Sandler’s character (because that’s realistic), and ends up in the always realistic situation of getting half naked, showing off her amazing ass, and letting Sandler feel her breasts (because he’s “gay”). Note: If you’ve ever needed a reason to write, produce, and star in your own movies, getting Jessica Biel half naked and playing with her breasts is probably the best reason ever.

From the trailer, it looks like a really funny movie, but you probably don’t care about that. No, you just want to see Jessica Biel in her sexy underwear.

Jessica Biel Half Naked Underwear Pictures Jessica Biel Half Naked Underwear Pictures Jessica Biel Half Naked Underwear Pictures Jessica Biel Half Naked Underwear Pictures Jessica Biel Half Naked Underwear Pictures

Source: Egotastic

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