Kate Bosworth Gets Curves Back

Kate Bosworth’s new curvier figure is all thanks to her mother.

The ‘Superman Returns’ actress has been staying with her mum Patricia, who became worried for her daughter’s health after seeing how slim she was.

According to a friend of Kate’s, Patricia made Kate promise to put on 10 pounds in the next six months, and has been helping her plump her up by feeding her plenty of home-cooked meals.

The pal told Britain’s Look magazine: “She’s pulled back from the social circuit and has been spending lots of time with her mum. They hang out and shop and Kate’s mum cooks for her.

“Kate’s mum was appalled by her recent appearance. Kate tried to talk her way out of it, saying that the flu caused her to lose weight and that she had everything under control. But she knew she’d lost weight since her split from Orlando Bloom in May.

“That type of talk might work with friends, but the old saying – mum knows best – really is true.” [Source]

Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine

Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine Kate Bosworth In Jalouse MagazineKate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine Kate Bosworth In Jalouse Magazine