Carmen Electra and Her Hottest Friend

Carmen Electra and Bai Ling
Carmen Electra and Bai Ling Carmen Electra and Bai Ling

Carmen Electra and Pamela Anderson
Carmen Electra and Pamela Anderson Carmen Electra and Pamela Anderson

Believe it or not; “Former BAYWATCH star CARMEN ELECTRA doesn’t know how to swim and is afraid of water.”

Katie Holmes Bump, UP and DOWN

Katie Holmes Stomach Katie Holmes Stomach Katie Holmes Stomach Katie Holmes is rumoured to be bingeing on spicy Indian food in order to induce her labour.
Daddy-to-be Tom Cruise, is reportedly serving up a storm of hot curries to help the process along. “Tom is convinced he can get the baby to pop out sooner if he feeds her spicy dishes,” a source told Britain’s Daily Star.
Cruise was on German TV promoting his film ‘Mission: Impossible III’ when he informed the interviewer that “Katie could be having our baby at any minute.” The ‘War of the Worlds’ star allegedly had two pilots waiting at the airport in case he had to run home. “If Katie calls, I’m gone,” said Cruise.
This is the first child for 27-year-old Holmes, who has apparently agreed to follow Scientology’s austere codes of natural (as in no painkillers) and silent childbirth. This means Holmes, nor anyone else in the room, is allowed to utter a word – the reason is supposedly to not traumatize the baby with groans or screams.
In order to help Holmes, the rules of labour have reportedly been printed on six-foot signs that will be hung in the delivery room. One of the signs that was photographed being delivered to TomKat’s house read: “Be silent and make all physical movements slow and understandable.” SOurce
More Katie Holmes Pics

Salma Hayek Hate Racist in Hollywood

Frida star Salma Hayek Frida star Salma Hayek has slammed Hollywood for their discrimination against Mexican actors. The actress insists she faced huge problems trying to overcome her “outsider” status in American cinema. She says, “Mexicans are not the most welcome outsiders in America. I remember going to audition for a sci-fi and the studio being aghast at the idea of a Mexican in space. One casting director even told me I should take advantage of my Middle-Eastern sounding name and pretend I was Lebanese. “The accent is a big problem. I had some tough times trying to establish myself as a film star.” Hayek stars alongside COLIN FARRELL in upcoming film ASK THE DUST – which portrays racial tensions in Depression-era Los Angeles. source

Alicia Keys Never Changed Her Look

American Grammy award winning singer Alicia Keys American Grammy award winning singer Alicia Keys American Grammy award winning singer Alicia Keys American Grammy award winning singer Alicia Keys American Grammy award winning singer Alicia Keys
American Grammy award winning singer Alicia Keys followed up Thursday on projects that she has been funding in Kenya with other celebrities through Keep a Child Alive, a charitable organization committed to supporting HIV patients in Africa.

Natalie Portman Is The HOttest Truck’s Girl

Natalie Portman Is The HOttest Truck's Girl Natalie Portman Is The HOttest Truck's Girl Natalie Portman Is The HOttest Truck's Girl Natalie Portman Is The HOttest Truck's Girl

Paris Hilton Loves Her Boobs

Paris Hilton Loves Her Boobs Paris Hilton has revealed that she loves being flat-chested, and thinks that it’s ‘hot’.
Tabloid favourite Hilton, who is currently working on her debut music album, said that she loved not being busty, for it meant that she never had to bother about wearing a bra.
“I like being flat. I think it’s hot. I never have to wear a bra,” The Sun quoted her, as telling Elle magazine.
However, she does admit that as a young teen she had wanted to a get a boob job because her flat-chest made her look like a boy. Source
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