Lindsay Lohan at the Young Hollywood Awards Countdown

Lindsay Lohan at the Young Hollywood Awards Countdown Lindsay Lohan at the Young Hollywood Awards Countdown Lindsay Lohan at the Young Hollywood Awards Countdown Lindsay Lohan at the Young Hollywood Awards Countdown

Jessica Alba sick of ‘sex kitten’ tag

Jessica Alba at The Button Store Jessica Alba is sick of being labelled a sex kitten and is on the lookout for less “slutty” roles.

The actress, most recently seen in Into The Blue, noted: “I’ll leave the slutty girl to other people and I’ll play the sweet, moral girlfriend who believes in love – roles that are more interesting than playing a vixen. That’s where I want to go next – a romantic comedy or something like that.”

Alba says her ideal partner would be George Clooney, but thinks she blew it by telling him he was old enough to be her father. She added: “I actually told him that. That was embarrassing, but he just laughed.”

Jessica Alba at The Button Store Jessica Alba at The Button Store Jessica Alba at The Button Store Jessica Alba at The Button Store