X Men 3: The Last Stand

X Men 3: The Last Stand Brett Ratner returning for more “X-Men” or “Wolverine”?

MTV.com (http://www.mtv.com) recently interviewed Vinny Jones, who stars in Dreamworks’ “She’s the Man” and also the forthcoming “X-Men 3: The Last Stand” and hinted that “X3” director Brett Ratner (who replaced Bryan Singer) may return for “X4” and “X5″…and possibly the “Wolverine” movie?

“I said this to Brett the other day, and he was saying that they’ll probably use a lot of the characters,” Jones said, implying that the director will also return alongside star Hugh Jackman in “Wolverine.” “Hopefully [the Wolverine/ Juggernaut rivalry] will come into it. There might be something for me and him to get together.”

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