Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman talks about New James Bond Star NICOLE KIDMAN DEFENDS NEW BOND
NICOLE KIDMAN is the latest celebrity to defend new JAMES BOND actor DANIEL CRAIG after he received a barrage of criticism from 007 fans. Stars including DAME JUDI DENCH and former Bond PIERCE BROSNAN rallied round after hearing Craig, who plays the superspy in upcoming movie CASINO ROYALE, had been the subject of hate emails from Brosnan fans. And Kidman has joined the united front to tell audiences how lucky they are to have “the best actor in England” playing Bond. She says, “I think Daniel will be great in Casino Royale. He is such an accomplished actor. “STEPHEN DALDRY, who directed me in THE HOURS, said to me, ‘He is the best actor in England, and if you get a chance to work with him, do it.'” ContactMusic

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